Min and max product quantities at a catalog level

We've enhanced the capability to set up the quantity limit for products within the master catalog of the account.

This setting can be inherited by the MicroStore product. However, you can override the limit quantity set at the MicroStore product level.

How to use this feature

Step 1: Set up a quantity limit in the master catalog.

Navigate to Catalog > Product and then select your product.

Min and max product quantities at a catalog level

Step 2: Verify the quantity limit at the MicroStore product level.

Navigate to MicroStore, select your MicroStore, go to Catalog, and then select your product.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 17.13.41

Once you're in the microstore product section, under the “Product Information” tab, you'll find the “Product Quantity Purchase” section. Here, you can view the minimum and maximum number values inherited from the master catalog (as set in Step 1).

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 17.22.50

Step 3: Override the quantity limit at the MicroStore product level.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 17.23.56

If you modify the minimum and maximum values, you'll notice the guidance text adjacent to the input box changes from `Sync with base product` to `Click here to reset.

By selecting 'Click here to reset,' you can synchronize the value with the one from the master catalog.

Screenshot 2023-09-19 at 17.25.14

   In this scenario, you would be resetting the minimum quantity value.