Introduction to supplier products and supplier integrations

Brikl's powerful supplier integrations enhance business productivity by providing a one-click solution to import supplier products directly into your product catalog.

One of the most time-consuming tasks while setting up MicroStores is adding products to your product catalog.

Products are complex, as there are many details you need to include while adding them—things like titles, descriptions, images, product options, attributes, personalization, prices, IDs, URLs, and so on. 

Adding products manually is an expensive process for your business. It's also prone to error, as you must manage all product details yourself.

Brikl's supplier integrations aim to solve this problem and give back to your workforce the countless hours they would spend adding products one by one to your dashboard.

How supplier integrations work and how you can benefit from them

If you sell products provided by a supplier, you can import them from your supplier's system directly into your product catalog.

Imported supplier products come with most of the details you'd need to add manually: titles, descriptions, images, product options, and product prices—all can be added to your catalog with one click.

Millions of products from various suppliers are available to import.

Brikl currently supports the following supplier integrations (with more suppliers  coming soon):

  • SanMar
  • Alphabroder
  • S&S Promotional Group
  • Edwards Garments
  • Augusta Sportswear Brands

☝️ If your supplier isn't on the list above, please get in touch with Brikl Support.

To help you find the products you're looking for or products that fit your business, we provide advanced search, sort, and filter options.

Our supplier integrations allow you to check supplier inventory in real-time. This will prevent you from adding products to your catalog that are no longer available. It also eliminates back-and-forth calls and emails to check product availability.

If the price of a supplier product imported to your catalog changes, the prices will be automatically updated in each of your MicroStores.

Ready to start importing supplier products directly into your product catalog? Get started with How to import supplier products.